When looking at my cart on my website, I'm supposed to have a "delete" button but I only see a red square.
See example here : J2 Store Basket
Looking at the code, it's suppose to show a font-awesome icon (fa-trash) but it's not visible.
Doesn't seem to be a css issue, I tried to force text color to white but without success, looks like it simply doesn't find this icon (fa-trash-o)
<a class="btn btn-small btn-danger btn-xs j2store-remove remove-icon" href="https://www.j2commerce.com/index.php/component/j2store/carts/remove?cartitem_id=99">
<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i>
Do I need to do something to get font-awesome installed ?
Also is there a way to get this delete button shown right after the quantity instead of below it ?