#67 Bank Transfer plugin does not take a negative value

Posted in ‘Technical Support / Bugs’
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Latest post by Adam Melcher on Friday, 06 December 2024 23:40 UTC


Hello, I have a question for you.

When choosing the payment method by transfer, we usually offer a 10% discount. I tried to put the value "-10" (negative 10) in the "surcharge percentage" field, but it doesn't take the value, it only increases the percentage by 10% if I put 10.

Where can I modify it so that the negative value is taken in the "bank transfer plugin" and that when they choose to pay by transfer, a discount is applied?

Thank you very much in advance.

Adam Melcher


What you are actually wanting to offer is a discount if they pay via bank transfer? If so, we have that plugin scheduled for next week but I will see if I can move it up the list so if you haven't heard back from me by Sunday, send me a note and I can give you a better idea by then.



Adam Melcher


Looks like we don't have to wait for Sunday after all! Here is the link to the new Payment Method Discount plugin that will allow you to offer fixed or percentage based discounts on any payment method you choose:




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