#29 Migrate using SPTransfer?

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Latest post by Adam Melcher on Saturday, 23 November 2024 16:12 UTC

Odin Mayland
I setup a new j5 site with j2store 4.  
I then transferred everything using SP Transfer. https://kainotomo.com/products/sp-transfer
But all the product's are set to NO under:  Article / J2Store Cart / Treat as a product.  And none of the articles are showing in J2Store: Products.
Is there a way to get the Article / J2Store Cart information to transfer to the new site?


Hello Odin,

there is a strict set of steps to follow when migrating from J2Store 3 to 4. 

However, you are not telling us what you used SP Transfer to transfer from.

Please check the migration steps required when moving from Joomla 3 to 4/5, if that is what you have gone through.

You can find information at https://www.j2commerce.com/migration-from-j2store-3-to-4.

I hope this helps!


Odin Mayland
I was using your migration process from Joomla! 3.10.12 with J2store 3.3.20 PRO But there were dozens of j3 only extensions that were making the upgrade from j3 to j4 a mess.   SPTransfer is my typical method when moving a site from J3 to J5.    I was hoping that I could get the j2store data moved this way too.          


Thanks for the explanation, Odin.

The biggest problem with the migration of J2Store is making sure all Joomla 3 apps/plugins installed and used under Joomla 3 have a Joomla 4 counterpart.

So, if you have one or 2 extensions that are not available under Joomla 4, then you really cannot migrate J2Store with those extensions enabled.

That prevented a lot of users to migrate their sites in the past couple years.

We are trying to change that and update app/plugins that are missing for Joomla 4.

As we took over the projects, we are trying to prioratize what apps/plugins we need to update first, and we are basically trying to meet the demand (and it's a steep hill).

You can check our app store for what is ready to go for Joomla 4, but if you need specific ones that are not in the list, please let us know.

The migration tool is a requirement for the migration of J2Store, as it handles specific modifications. That is something SPTransfer might not do, and therefore you might not get the end result as expected.

I would suspect you would need to go through the migration tool under Joomla 3, update to J2Store 4 (under Joomla 3) and THEN use SPTransfer to upgrade your site to Joomla 4. 


Adam Melcher


If you set up the joomla 5 site with j2store and set up the products in advance, then would would normally be good at that point, however, the SP Transfer tool (or any migration tool for that matter) would them move the articles from the old site over to the new Joomla 5 site which would then import the older articles with different article ids than the ones you setup for the products on the new site  (which would account for the lost links between the imported articles and the new products.

Use the migration tool, after it installs the specific j2store_migration edition onto your Joomla 3 site, then run the SP Migration tool and hopefully it gives you the chance to select the j2store database tables to migrate over as well, once you have been migrated to Joomla 4/5, then install the latest version (currently 4.0.10) and you should be good.

As Olivier mentioned, if you have any additional plugins that are not compatible with Joomla 4/5, let us know and we can move them up the priority list if needed.


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