#142 Move description to the right of the product images

Posted in ‘Technical Support / Bugs’
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Latest post by Adam Melcher on Thursday, 06 February 2025 21:53 UTC

Mark Cole


In the old J2store, on the product page, I was able to reposition the product details to the right of the product images, under the add to cart button.  i can't find how to do this anymore. Please can you help me fix this so i can create an override file to make sure it stays that way after future upgrades. Thanks.



Adam Melcher



Thanks for providing the login creds. I logged in see what happened. It looks like you may have been using the JoomShaper Shopin template on the J3 site and are now using the helix3 template on the J5 site. The layout overrides that you previously had in the Shopin template were never moved over to the new template's override folder. Here is what I did:

  1. You are using the Bootstrap 5 template plugin for J2 (which is correct) however in the J3 site, there was no Bootstrap 5 subtemplate (only default and Bootstrap 3) so in template manager, I created a new folder under templates/shaper_helix3/html/com_j2store/templates/bootstrap5
  2. I then went into your previous Shopin template ( templates/shaper_shopin/html/com_j2store/templates/bootstrap3) and copied the view_simple.php file into the bootstrap5 folder referenced in the line above.
  3. This moved the description over to where it was on the previous site.
  4. It appears you have a few more overrides in the bootstrap3 folder that you may want to bring over as well. 

For future reference on subtemplate overrides:

  • default_* files handle the category page product display
  • view_* files handle the product detail page display
  • Since you have the Bootstrap5 j2 plugin enabled, any new layout changes can simply be added to the Bootstrap5 folder referenced in item #1 above.
  • If you wish to change the layout of any other files that you don't currently have in your older bootstrap 3 folder (referenced in line #2) you can simply copy them over from the Bootstrap5 plugin here:


We are in the process of adding a new Bootstrap 5 + layout that will add a ton of front-end UI/UX improvements to J2Commerce stores so keep an eye out in the next few weeks.



Mark Cole

Fantastic, thanks Adam!

It's looking great on the site, but how do i now get rid of the details that are still underenath the new layout? Thanks.


Adam Melcher



On line 79 of the same file found here:

I commented out the 'notabs' template file. Not the most elegant method, but if you needed to display other items in that section in the future, you could simply copy the following file from this location to get more granular and comment out the long description layout file inside there:


and paste in here:

If this works for you, please let me know so I can close this ticket out.


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