#106 Paybox confirmation not working

Posted in ‘Technical Support / Bugs’
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Latest post by Olivier on Wednesday, 12 February 2025 17:33 UTC

Göran Flybring


We've  been using J2S for several years, but with Joomla 4 migration we lost our payment method: Paybox.

I was very happy to see that it is now supported again, so I have  installed the latest J2commerce and Paybox again.

It seems to work fine all the way - exept for the confirmation from the bank. It tries to respond to the following url:


This one is wrong, so I get an error.

Is it a configuration issue? Is something missing? Please advise.




Adam Melcher



Can you add your login creds into the fields below (not part of the public chat) so we can take a look and see what's going on?



System Task
System Task
The ticket information has been edited by Göran Flybring (gflybring@gmail.com).

Göran Flybring

The url is dev.rivieraklubben.com (could not enter it in the credentials).

Adam Melcher


I believe we have discovered the cause of the issue and have updated the plugin so if you go to your My Account area and open the order with that download, you will see an updated one for 4.0.1 that should fix that issue. Please let me know if this works for you so I can close this out :)


Göran Flybring

Hi Adam,

We are a step closer. The confirmation from the bank is handled by a script (no error anymore), but an important step is still missing:

Upon a successful payment, the order should be updated with the transaction id / transaction status / transaction details - as well as the order status (=confirmed). This is not happening.




Göran Flybring


Do you have any news on the confirmation of the payment?


Göran Flybring


Could you please have a look att this problem. My client is getting impatient...

The order is not updated after a successful payment.


Apologies Göran, we are trying our best going through all support tickets. Thank you for your patience. I will take another look today.




I have a few questions:

Do you have the error if 'validate paybox' is set to 'No'? If 'validate paybox' is set to 'yes', could you try the payment with that setting set to 'no'?

Do you have the plugin set to 'debug'? If so, you should have logs with useful information.

The log file should be found under /cache.

If you do not have the plugin set to debug, please set it to 'yes' and send us the log file after a transaction.

Thank you!


Göran Flybring

OK, I've made a new test with "Enable Paybox IPN validation" set to "No" (it was "Yes" before). Still no update of the order, although the payment was accepted and confirmed in the payment server.

Since the order is not updated with the confirmation and new status, no confirmation and no invoice is sent to the user.

Please see the log file in the attachment. The last test from today (2025-02-05) is with vaidation set  to "No".




Thanks Göran,

that helped me pinpoint where issues could arise.

There is one part in the code that is never reached and I was wondering if this is because of one issue:

do you have the PHP extension openssl enabled on your site? It is a requirement for the code to work.


Göran Flybring

Yes, openssl is enabled. Has always been.



Thanks Göran, I asked because I did not have that information. Sometimes the most obvious can create issues...

I have improved the code so that it logs information that I am missing from the logs.

Please test and send me the log file after trying it out. Thank you!



Göran Flybring

Thank you Olivier,

This version made a difference. The order is now updated with the payment information and a confirmation message sent to the user. It seems to be working as expected now.

Heads-up: We are using Paybox also in another context, and there we we obliged to add two additional variables:

These variables are not part of your current message. Instead you have a PBX_PAYPAL_DATA, but the information is not quite the same.

Anyway, I will know more once I've tested in the live environment.

The log file is attached.





Great, thanks Göran for the feedback and the log file. Looks more like it!

Yes, please let me know about the live testing!


Göran Flybring

Hi Olivier,

As I feared, the test didn't work in the live system. I have attached the log.

I strongly suspect the reason is the two missing variables PBX_SHOPPINGCART and PBX_BILLING, which are now required for security reasons (3DSv2).
Please make sure these are added, otherwise this plugin is useless.

Please see examples attached.

Please see the documentation: https://www.paybox.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/ManuelIntegrationPaybox_DSP2_EN-v2.0-1.pdf





Göran Flybring

It seems like the attachments were missing before...

Göran Flybring


Göran Flybring

It seems I can only attach one file at a time....


Thank you Göran.

I have implemented the now required 2 variables.

I have one problem, though: the PBX_BILLING variable requires adding a numerical country code. 

We do NOT have that information in our J2Commerce tables.

I understand this numerical code could be useful in other plugins, although we have not faced the need for it yet.

I need to update J2Commerce to incorporate those numbers into our extension.

This will require additional implementation time.

In the meantime, I am preparing a new version for Paybox that will have a numerical country code of 0. This may or may not be accepted as a value, but it is worth the try.


Göran Flybring

Thank you Olivier,

I appreciate the work you're doing on this. 

I don't know why they decided to use the numerical ISO code when there are already two- and three-letter ISO codes available, but that's the way it is...
I will try with the 0-code once it's available.






Hello Göran,

here are my changes. Please unzip first and install the contained zip.

Hopefullfy this will go through.




here is an updated file, I noticed something in the code that was not 'right'.


Göran Flybring

Thank you,

I will test shortly and let you know. (will be away from office for a few days)



No worries Göran :-)


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