Payment Method Discounts


Promote sales by providing discounts based on the payment method chosen by the users at the checkout.

You could set to apply the discount only on specific user groups, change the discount label, and so on.

Order total or sub-total based discounts

Frame order total-based or order sub-total-based discount rules when a particular payment method is chosen.

Order total or sub-total based discounts
Set different offers for different payment methods

Set different offers for different payment methods

It is possible to set up different discount rules for different payment methods. For example: 10% discount if the payment method chosen is and 15% discount when Stripe is chosen.

Offer user-group specific payment method discounts

Scenario: Avail benefits if you pay through Paypal only when you are a dealer.

Offer user-group specific payment method discounts
Provide percentage or fixed-value offers

Provide percentage or fixed-value offers

Set percentage discounts or fixed variable.

Customize the discount label

Override the default value of the discount label. Helps when you have a multi-lingual site. You could just enter the language constant and translate the discount label into your language.

Customize the discount label


  • Developer J2Store/J2Commerce
  • Extension Type Apps
  • J2Store Version 4.x
  • Joomla Version 4.x, 5.x

Change Log

v4.0.2 - December 6, 2024

Update J2Commerce v4 and Joomla 4/5 plugin support


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